There were several searches on the Brainzooming website the other day for “strategic planning session for (a) company that is headed for trouble.” From the quick glance I took, I am not sure if they were from the same person or even the same company.

This strategic planning session search, however, got me wondering: What would I grab from the Brainzooming website as a starting set of strategic thinking exercises, questions, and tools to use for strategy planning if a company were headed for big trouble?


While The Brainzooming Group generally works with clients that are in strong current positions, but perhaps sensing some early strategic weakness, we developed many early Brainzooming strategic thinking exercises while in various turnaround situations in the Fortune 500 world.

As expected, we have created an array of content directed toward a strategic planning session for a company headed for trouble.

Always eager to turn a fruitful search on the Brainzooming blog into a compilation post, here are fifteen articles full of strategic thinking exercises you should consider if your company is headed for big trouble!

Evaluating Warning Signals and Strategic Options

Strategic Problem Solving

Strategic Implementation

Mike Brown

10 Keys to Engaging Stakeholders to Create Improved Results

FREE Download: "Results!!! Creating Strategic Impact"

Results!!! Creating Strategic Impact Mini-Book

Leaders are looking for powerful ways to engage strong collaborators to shape shared visions. They need strategic thinkers who can develop strategy and turn it into results.

This new Brainzooming mini-book, "Results - Creating Strategic Impact" unveils ten proven lessons for leaders to increase strategic collaboration, engagement, and create improved results.

Download this free, action-focused mini-book to:

  • Learn smart ways to separate strategic opportunities from the daily noise of business
  • Increase focus for your team with productive strategy questions everyone can use
  • Actively engage stakeholders in strategy AND implementation success

Download Your FREE   Results!!!  Creating Strategic Impact Mini-book

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