Look, I know it's almost February. The new year is marching ahead like crazy.
One way I can tell?
Seeing Facebook friends posting last week as they bemoaned the impending end of January. Others responded about how they are only NOW working on their planning for this year’s business goals and strategic initiatives. After THAT, they’ll start launching new programs.
This feels like a year that thinks it is calling the shots and running roughshod over those of us trying to lead organizations.
And, we totally get that feeling.
In fact, due to travel, vacations, conferences, family health problems, and a focus on long-term projects, we felt like our team hadn't really had a collective new start to the year.
That's why we declared January 21 as our January 1. We restarted the clock on the new year.
Did we really re-set the new year?
Of course not.
Did it at least make us feel like we had a fresh start to improve the collaboration and coordination that was suffering in the new year's first three weeks?
Getting Ahead on Strategic Initiatives
If you feel as if you and/or your organization are still in full-on pre-launch mode when it comes to strategic initiatives, then, so be it. We have a resource that can help you play catch-up faster and more effectively. It's the 10 Questions for Successfully Launching New Programs eBook.
We compiled this actionable resource to help everyone get started more productively with new strategic initiatives. It will help implementation teams ensure they understand new programs' overall directions AND explore ways to increase the relevance of strategic initiatives.
Working with 10 Questions for Successfully Launching New Programs will help you get the right people, resources, and alignment to launch your new initiatives more efficiently and effectively – even if it still feels as if you are coming back from an early year deficit! – Mike Brown