Each year we share the top 10 new Brainzooming blog posts from the previous year based on your views. Reviewing the list is an intriguing exercise for me, especially when comparing it to tomorrow’s list - my favorite blog posts from the year.

The most striking thing about your most popular new Brainzooming blog posts is only five are numbered lists. This is in stark contrast to previous years where nearly all of them were numbered lists. One change could be that we published fewer list posts this year. In previous years, list posts were among the easiest content to write. This year, however, my worldview just has not produced list posts as readily as in previous years.

Two other take-aways from perusing Google Analytics for the year are:

  1. Evergreen content (i.e., blog posts from previous years) was more prevalent than previous years among the most-viewed posts.
  2. Woody Bendle’s great guest posts on innovation and branding ranked significantly among the most-viewed posts. (Woody’s most-viewed posts are featured at the end of the top 10 list.

Your Top 10 Most Viewed New Brainzooming Blog Posts this Year


Here is your top ten most-viewed new Brainzooming content for 2014:

1. 10 Meeting Spaces for Work at Home Professionals, Other than Starbucks

While billed as being for work at home professionals, these ideas are also valuable for anyone who works in an office but needs a change in meeting venue.

2. Creative Thinking Skills: 29 Phrases Blocking Innovative Ideas

These twenty-nine phrases blocking innovative ideas were easy to write. I simply tried to remember all the challenges to new ideas I have encountered during my career.

3. Strategic Thinking Skills: Taking Credit vs. Making Innovation Happen

This dilbhits on one of the keys to getting things done that many people overlook: if you really believe in an idea that’s struggling, and you’re willing to surrender credit, it may be enough to get the idea implemented. It’s not a strategy for every ego, but it can definitely be very effective.

4. New Product Development – Brainstorming Ideas Grounded in Business Strategy

Start with a strategic target, and you’ll find yourself brainstorming ideas that make sense for your organization’s business strategy. Don’t and you won’t.

5. Social Media Strategy: 7 Lessons for Fantastic, Creative Content Marketing

This post is a one-stop for great tools to turn a brand’s aspirations for fantastic, creative content marketing into a reality.

6. Creative Thinking Skills: 9 Ways to Present a Business Strategy with Panache

These are all tried and tested, although some are much easier to make happen than others are. And in case you’re wondering, it’s the first use of the word “panache” in the Brainzooming blog.

7. Social Media Strategy: Explaining Social Networks to Executives Who Don’t Get It

This is one of the most popular parts of my social media and content marketing presentations. Its popularity prompted sharing these valuable analogies for social networks that had only been shared in live presentations.

8. Creative Thinking Exercises – Would you like S, M, L, or XL Creative Ideas?

This is a compilation post that really SHOULD be a numbered post. See what I mean about not seeing the world as an endless source of list posts this year?

9. Strategic Thinking: Asking a Different Type of Question

I hate to say it, but this post now seems to me to be a pre-cursor to number 8 on the list. Sorry about that! ; )

10. 5 Ways to Help a Speaker Deliver a Successful Presentation at Your Event

This is the latest post on the list, appearing on April 1. It’s a nice example of being able to go to school on a client’s very beneficial help and feature them, even if I can’t mention who the client is.

And What about the Woody Bendle Posts?

And as promised earlier, there are the most popular Brainzooming guest posts from Woody Bendle this year:

1. Creative Thinking Exercise for Extreme Innovation by Woody Bendle

2. Visual Thinking: Better Ways to Think about Calorie Data by Woody Bendle

3. New Product Innovation Strategy – Go Opposite by Woody Bendle

The fact that Woody’s guest post on “Go Opposite” is from November is testament to both how strongly Woody works his network to get eyeballs on the his posts and the value of getting a post picked up by a major content aggregator (which happens with many of Woody’s posts).

Tomorrow’s List

You will see a very different list tomorrow with my favorite posts. I guess I love the underdogs, the posts that have a story behind them, but maybe do not get the same attention!


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