In early 2001, my parents gave me a book based on Bible verses and Norman Vincent Peale's writings called "Positive Thinking for Every Day of the Year." It offers daily reflections to cultivate a positive attitude.
The passage for September 11 focuses on how it often seems evil prospers while good people endure roadblocks and suffering. The reflection focuses on a farmer who surmises that "God doesn't pay all His debts on the first of January." The implication: patience is required to see the results of positive devotion and attention to others.
Considering the book was published in 2000, it's prophetic this passage was there for readers on 9-11-2001 when it certainly looked like evil won the round over good that day.
How much patience and fortitude do we have to see bigger, positive plans played out? This is especially challenging when uncertainty appears to be the prevalent theme in the news.
Here's a recommendation: today, pause to say a prayer for those who lost their lives in the 9-11 attacks and the subsequent military activities that have resulted. And tack on a special request for help in being patient and a part of bringing goodness into the world. - Mike Brown