We collaborated with the new Hufcor CEO and CMO to shape the new commercial growth strategy. Blast! efficiently engaged global audiences, turning 3 weeks of all-day meetings into just 7 hours of interactive online collaboration time. This dramatic reduction in inefficient meetings yielded a $200,000+ opportunity cost savings for already busy executives freed up from meetings.

Blast! Case Studies
Introducing online collaboration to business opportunities and challenges yields tremendous impacts in effectiveness and efficiency. Whether a ready-to-launch, 30-minute Blast! or a custom approach with multiple exercises and greater flexibility, our clients experience real and varied benefits for their organizations. These case studies and testimonials tell their stories.
Creating a New Direction plus $200k in Cost Savings

Addressing Multiple Goals while Eliminating Travel Cost and Risk
Facilitated Blast! online collaborations across multiple B2B locations to develop a strategic plan and new brand strategy. Online collaboration eliminated all travel costs and the weather risk of trying to bring executives into a snow-prone area in December. We also leverages input during the course of strategic planning to develop a platform for updating the company’s brand.

Integrating Innovation Training & Product Development in a Day
Farmers Insurance invited Brainzooming to design and facilitate an interactive workshop on disruptive innovation at their yearly conference. We incorporated the Blast! experience for 200 marketers and 23 teams to learn Brainzooming innovation techniques and develop product concepts—all in a single day’s time. Plus, the teams' concepts were all captured in the platform and available immediately.

Engaging Voices Across the Workforce to Shape the Vision
We partnered with the Kansas City Public Library's new CEO to launch a transformation for the organization. Through Blast! online collaborations and surveys, employee input shaped the revitalized vision for employee culture, engagement, and the patron experience. Online collaboration also efficiently engaged important community groups for timely input.

Boosting Innovation with Ready-to-Launch Blasts!
The pandemic pushed, nonprofit Nature Explore, like other organizations, to rethink everything. They succeeded, then wanted to identify both what let them innovate so rapidly and ways to take the lessons forward. They employed two 30-minute, ready-to-launch Blast! experiences to generate insights and sustain them for the future.
Leveraging Anonymous Input to Surface DEI Opportunities
Construction Specifications Institute sought to address diversity, equity, and inclusion challenges in the association and industry. They partnered with DEI expert, Patti Digh, and Brainzooming. We co-facilitated DEI-oriented Blasts! for multiple focus groups. The safe space that Blast! creates led to participants sharing genuine personal and professional perspectives.
Blast! Participant Testimonials
We ask every Blast! participant for their impressions at the end of the collaboration experience. Here's what they had to say about its ease of use, productivity, and opportunities to engage and share authentic ideas and perspectives.
The Blast! Experience
“Um, this is SUPER FUN.”
"I am all onboard. I could probably do your sales pitch for you!"
“I figured it would feel like a meeting, but it was interactive and creative.”
Amazingly Productive
"I thought this was amazingly productive vs an in-person meeting. I would recommend it highly."
"Impressed with the number of responses and diversity of ideas."
"Typing means you are not talking over one another."
"This was absolutely great for fielding information. I would use this ALL THE TIME myself."
"So many ideas shared anonymously in such a short time. This could not have been accomplished live."
"I continue to be impressed with the quality of information that can be obtained so quickly...and I love the way it lets everyone participate equally."
Engaging for Everyone
"Everyone put down what they were thinking instead of not speaking up."
"Totally want to do this again."
"This is effective because there is a clear objective. Our periodic calls with our leader typically regurgitate the preceding call and have mostly been redundant and yielded no benefit to me."
"Nice to be able to give ideas without fear of sounding like an idiot AND without the pressure of trying to sound like 'the smartest guy in the room'."
Sharing Honest Perspectives
"People are willing to share because it is confidential, no one feels like they will get ignored or told their idea can't work...fast and fun event."
"We were free to communicate without peer pressure."
"I feel that people who wouldn't share their ideas in a meeting were given a platform to express themselves."
"I would never share my opinions openly if they were not anonymous."
“I was surprised by the ability to share authentic thoughts and by not having to have a 100% fully complete idea.”
“Blast! makes sure there is equity in our voices—all can contribute."
"Great way to contribute individually. Anonymity allowed me to say things (respectfully) that are sometimes difficult to raise in person."
"I feel like I finally heard people's true thoughts."
Can't imagine saying those kinds of things about team collaboration? Neither could we. But it's completely within reach, with Blast!
So whether your team is online, in person, or a little of each, they'll find Blast quick, simple, and the perfect vehicle for creating amazing results. There’s no software to download. And it all gets done in 30 minutes. (Yes, it's that simple.)
Blast! is the tool for getting things done in this newly hybrid world. Are you ready?