Blog | Brainzooming

Strategic Planning - Getting Ready for Next Year in a Hurry

Written by Mike Brown | Nov 18, 2009 11:50:57 AM

A loyal reader pointed out that the Brainzooming blog has grown so large that it's more challenging to find specific posts. One possibility is using the search function on each page to search for particular topics directly in Brainzooming articles.

Another alternative is doing compilations on frequently addressed topics. Here's a short list of strategic planning content directly applicable if you're under the gun to get strategic planning completed for next year.

A Foundation on Strategic Planning and Strategic Thinking

Creating Focus in Your Strategic Planning

Contingency Planning

Updating Your Current Strategic Plan

Implementing Specific Strategic Planning Actions

Wrapping Up with a Smile on Your Face

There are certainly other Brainzooming articles touching on these planning topics, but ideally this short list will get you jump started for current planning efforts you have to complete. -  Mike Brown

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