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Creative Thinking: Friction or Non-Friction Writing?

Written by Mike Brown | Apr 10, 2014 9:50:14 AM

When you write, how do you write best?

If you're writing when you are by yourself, it can be great. You might be more productive and experience stronger creative thinking with fewer distractions, no drop-in interruptions, and extended opportunities to focus.

This is non-friction writing, and these types of writing situations CAN BE incredibly productive.

The challenge of non-friction writing for me, however, is the friction of interacting with others creates problems, issues, opportunities, and challenges that all beg for resolution.

In the resolution of these situations you develop new learning, creative thinking, and the impetus to write.

That's why I'm definitely a friction writer when it comes to generating new ideas and creative thinking.

But then maybe I'm a non-friction writer when I can get away and just write, with the memories of friction inspiring my creativity.

Which do you prefer?

Friction or non-friction writing? -  Mike Brown

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